Saturday 21 November 2009

Label on sandwich??

How about labeling in sandwich packaging that:
Buying this sandwich will provide liter  of water for a family.


Client: Charity

Message: Be greener
Target audience: 15-20 inner city teenagers

Idea1-Green Make up Party

Idea2-Buy and Donate in Charity shop

Idea 3- Advertisement in school

Final Idea
Highly awareness charity encourage teenager to eat 
meat-free organic meal, by selling healthy food in school canteen. 

Eg: organic meat-free sandwich, noodle,rice,soup

outcome: series of poster in school
( paste along the way on the way to school canteen)

Survey taken in school

Light food

Organic meat-free meal > light food > healthy > slim down >
 attract them to buy > Protect the earth

Food is so light that they are floating in the air.

Thinking of light food, I associated with air, floating, space
astronaut. I was inspired by a video in youtube about how
people consumed food in astronaut.

Series of advertisement?

On earth.

A series of advertisements lead people to the store.

Friday 13 November 2009

Screen Printing on T-shirt

After having the screen printing induction, I tried to make a
design into my own T-shirt. It was fun in such way that there
are so many things I can observe from my mistake.
There are so many opportunities for you to discover from the
whole process. Not only that your hand,shirt,and hair got dirty,
but my mind is sparked to imagine something else. Cool...

Trying out in different colours.

Final outcome is not good as what I expected.
But anyway, it is a good start.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Wall textures

These pictures are taken in old building. I was attracted
the wall textures. The good thing about this is people
cannot tell what it is when I took a closed-up picture.
Isn't each of them tells a story?

Pictures with the X-ray factor

I visited a exhibition which deals with 800stunning images created by
using X-rays technology. From displaying the mechanics of a motorbike
to the inside pea pods, London-based artist has produced truly magnetic portraits.

It is amazing in that way of how different object and colours reflect each
 character. For example, the picture above shows a lady's handbag.

One observation from me is:
Different material of the partial object gives different density.
For example, you can see metal material are always in solid colour,
whereas semi-transparent objects are in transparent colour.
They are naturally beautiful!

It is brilliant work to me, because all the objects are normal in our life,
and some of them are taken granted in by us. Here, the photographer
makes them look so interesting.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Story telling workshop

In the workshop, we were required to make a sculpture with given things.
It was interesting because the things we got were cleaning wiper, hat, carrots
and metallic bowl. My partner and I used these stuff to create a story.
Picture above shows:(  A stupid alliance with his long hanging weapon, tried
to kill the human.

However, he was twined with his weapon.

He was dead.

Monday 2 November 2009

Final work!^^

Clamp it!

Place a paper below the stencil.

Tape it around the corners.

After it got out from the machine, we washed the stencil, and
the picture started appear.

Depending on the papers. Set the correct setting.

Place the papers facing to you, and put the utensil upon it.

We are asked to pick any A5 picture from each of us,
and then put them together to create a new picture, which
we were going to screen print it!!!!

After we cleaned it, we put the stencil into the dryer for 10 mins.

Can you see the blue rectangle on the wall?
That was the how dirty the wall was in the cleaning room.
The lecturer actually repaint the wall and the stain was left in purpose.

CLEANING-A special grease to remove the coating.

Screen Printing Workshop

First thing we have learnt was to remove the ink from the stencil
before we start.We placed it against the light, if we are able to
see through it, it is clean. If we cannot, there are still coating on
it. Can you see the"A"on the picture, that is the coating!

Sunday 1 November 2009

László Moholy-Nagy

Moholy-Nagy played a key role at the Bauhaus in Weimar and Dessau as a painter, graphic artist, teacher, and impassioned advocate of avant-garde photography. He made this image without a camera by placing his hand, a paintbrush, and other objects on a sheet of photographic paper and exposing it to light. 

Here are other works from László Moholy-Nagy, I thought they are interesting.
Just like the collage work we are doing.