Tuesday 8 December 2009

Research workshop

For this research we have to find out what kind of things they feel
are important in their age.We use different colour of bits to represent
different things in life. For example: Gold represents money.
Green represents be Greener.

We approached to many people and asked for their age too!

Project-Charity encourages teenager to be greener

Research on JUNK FOOD

Pros and Cons of Fast Food shop

Common and popular food in all fast food shops is chicken!!

Comparison about organic & non-organic chicken

Experiment with seeds for typography

I was quite satisfied with poster. But I never thought
of how do people know which chicken they eat in the fast food shops.
Therefore, I changed my final outcome:
Design a info sheet that look like a fast food menu take away.
-Invent a pop up charity food selling organic food.
-Information about non-organic & organic chicken.

Research on Chicken Shops

Idea generation

Final Outcome

Friday 4 December 2009

Street Art Gallery

Screen printing of pop art in wood.

It is art piece uses of appreciation. It is weird with a
 gun point to you while doing work.

A thought came to my mind: Is the SEX an art?

This art work reflects our daily life, what do you think?
We always try to call someone and complain our life....

A Collage of using different part of human body
and photograph of sexual activities.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Label on sandwich??

How about labeling in sandwich packaging that:
Buying this sandwich will provide liter  of water for a family.


Client: Charity

Message: Be greener
Target audience: 15-20 inner city teenagers

Idea1-Green Make up Party

Idea2-Buy and Donate in Charity shop

Idea 3- Advertisement in school

Final Idea
Highly awareness charity encourage teenager to eat 
meat-free organic meal, by selling healthy food in school canteen. 

Eg: organic meat-free sandwich, noodle,rice,soup

outcome: series of poster in school
( paste along the way on the way to school canteen)

Survey taken in school

Light food

Organic meat-free meal > light food > healthy > slim down >
 attract them to buy > Protect the earth

Food is so light that they are floating in the air.

Thinking of light food, I associated with air, floating, space
astronaut. I was inspired by a video in youtube about how
people consumed food in astronaut.

Series of advertisement?

On earth.

A series of advertisements lead people to the store.

Friday 13 November 2009

Screen Printing on T-shirt

After having the screen printing induction, I tried to make a
design into my own T-shirt. It was fun in such way that there
are so many things I can observe from my mistake.
There are so many opportunities for you to discover from the
whole process. Not only that your hand,shirt,and hair got dirty,
but my mind is sparked to imagine something else. Cool...

Trying out in different colours.

Final outcome is not good as what I expected.
But anyway, it is a good start.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Wall textures

These pictures are taken in old building. I was attracted
the wall textures. The good thing about this is people
cannot tell what it is when I took a closed-up picture.
Isn't each of them tells a story?