Saturday 27 February 2010

Digital Design Sensation

This exhibition is amazing. Designers use generative software, animation
 made into contemporary and innovative artworks. Because I do not know 
much about digital design. But there are some visual language are common.
There are a lot interaction between the creator and participants.
I think they are brilliant!

The sensor lights light up when we passed by.

Digital clock shows hour, minute and seconds. 

Thousands of same pictures create the pattern.
The pattern change while the images are recording in different time.

Digital Tree moves responds to the wind outside the
V&A museum. It sheds leave when people pass by.

Sea Creatures move away when people take away the sand.

Friday 26 February 2010

Lino Cut workshop

Tip for lino cut
1. hand behind blade when cutting
2. work colour light to dark
3. Don't over ink
4.Plan your image

The process of lino cut is very different from other process. We do the base layer first.
(starting from light colour) Then, the space we want to remain with the light colour cut
 away, and we do the second layer.

First print with the half done image.

Trying out with 2 colours.

Trying out with 3 colours.

It is a quite experimental piece.
Thanks to my friend Ben, who provided 
me with the base color.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

AKIDO-ideas generation

In this workshop, we are asked to create a story for children.
The purpose of lesson is to come out with ideas quickly.
It was quite relax because it did not need to be looked nice,  comparing
 to spending a lot of time to draw in home. Here are students works.

This two continuous story are created by 10 people. 
Once one person finished drawing, and he passed down to
 the second person. What amazing is we could not really see 
what is been drawn on the previous page.

image making workshop

Instead of drawing, we used different things to do the image.
Some of the pictures are quite abstract which I think is good.
It could be a cool idea for collage!

This unfinished piece was done by me, it was not
easy to use pins. I will try to finish in the future
by using gold and silver pin to create different tones.


I created this origami book for children. This story is
about crab meesi, who does not like herself. Because
 other animal always laugh at her 8 legs and being walking
 sideway, and how she get confidents. The text is not added 
yet. I will update them once I take the photograph.


          These are some of the sketches I have drawn in the tube.
              I have been practicing on drawing without looking at them.

Monday 22 February 2010

Double exposures photographs

Double exposures photographs are amazing!
You will never expect what kind of photos you are going to get! 
I think some of the pictures are inspiring for the projects!

Tuesday 9 February 2010

                            I tried to put up the signs in several places in the construction site. 
                            It is a busy place so the signs easily attracted pedestrains’ attention. 
                            Some of them just glanced at it when they passed by. Hopefully the 
                           message could ch ange people’s perception whenever they pass by
                            a construction site, and give moral support to the construction workers.