Saturday 24 October 2009

Design Process workshop

We are given a task by Political Pressure Group.
The aim is to communicate a message of "Disobey the rules of no making up"
to 8-10 year old school girls.
The outcome could be a poster place in the bus and tube station near primary school.

Idea1-No make up,no school

By using distort way of thinking strategy, we thought of a slogan
saying" No make up, No school!!" It is easy to remember by people.
The little girl with her face painted and showed her anger.


By using exaggerate way of thinking strategy, I came out with an
idea of signboard on the main gate of the primary saying that"No

A crop of own design

positive idea: 
This photograph could be crop from a huge picture.
negative idea:
The meaning of it is not succinct.
Interesting idea:
It is a surrealist image.
Why there are the same man queuing up in the air?
How long is the queue?

Initial idea

Research workshop

We are taught to use different ways of recording the information, and we are given an assignment to show every individual’s personality by recording and using an interesting process and test it out.

Here, I am comparing group of people’s handwriting through both English   and mother tongue. We realized that the handwriting in both language look disparate.  By comparing handwritings, It is a interesting way of reflecting different personality.

Monday 19 October 2009

Photo cropping work

We are asked to crop the pictures and re-contextualise them. 
After I have done my 11 photographs, I found it is challenging and it is fun in some way.
Fun in such way that we have freedom to give a new meaning to the photographs; challenging 
is such way that we need to think about the positive and negative ideas about the pictures.
It really practice your thinking skill from different point of view.


positive ideas:

Giving people’s enthusiasm a push in the right direction.
negative ideas:
People might get confused that if he is an athletic or there is a strike going on?
interesting fact:
He looked like leading people towards a direction.

positive ideas:

It can have multi-meaning. For example, it can be used creating
different collage work to achieve specific meaning.
negative ideas:
This picture can be meaningless if there is not another picture and word provided.
interesting fact:

People might get curiosity on what are they looking at.

Narrow angle vertical

positive ideas:
It stands out from the rest.
negative ideas:
People might not understand what exactly it is.
interesting fact:
It looks like a huge sculpture.

Make to look distant

positive ideas:
It shows the spacious football field by comparing the human figures.
negative ideas:
People might not understand what is the man doing at the football field.
interesting fact:
Makes people wondering what is so special about this video cameraman.

Crop to enhance the emotional impact

positive ideas:
It enhance the emotion of the girl.
negative ideas:
She looks more scared than excited.
interesting fact:
The exaggerate expression of the girl attracts people's attention.
Is she afraid of something?
Is she excited?
Does she want to eat something?

Crop to define

 positive ideas:

Strong visual impact shows that the little boy separate with his favorite doll.
-          negative ideas:
      It can be too direct; there is restriction for secondary meaning.
n:   Interesting fact:
      Using fragment of photo to show that he is forced to separate with his doll.

Crop to abstract

positive ideas:
It is a good way of observing things from the reflection of the ball.
It is not direct, but it shows all!
negative ideas:
It might affect the beauty of the scene, because it is not shown clearly.
interesting fact:
It looks like the mercury or can be a picture used in scientific article.

Depersonalize a photo with people in it

positive ideas:
It can be a public advertisement to remind them” Anyone can be the criminal, although you cannot see them.”
negative ideas:
The criminal remains unapprehended.
Interesting fact:
It arouses the public curiosity about who the criminal is.


Narrow vertical

positive ideas:
Strong focus. The main two elements in the
 photograph: The lady and the fire.
negative ideas:
This photograph could be too narrow for newspaper
 or article report, as it lacks of information.
interesting fact:
The lady could be the only person escape or survive from the war.

Wide angle horizontal

positive ideas:
It brings the focus on the little boys face, and
there are deeper emotion involved.
negative ideas:
The main message is not clear. 
interesting fact:
It does not show too much on this picture, and 
it allows reader to imagine the story of its own.

Close up a detail


positive ideas:
It makes the bracelet more shining,gorgeous, and attractive.
negative ideas:
If it is a advertisement for accessories, it might limit the usage of bracelet.
Some people might feel that is only for wedding.

Interesting fact:
It can be a advertisement for wedding accessories.

Saturday 17 October 2009




Juxtaposition-put together things that are very different



My Collage work - Rhythm

Rhythm -producing uniform patterned of subjects
Here, I am using differen parts of human body to create the art work.
 Through the experiments, I found that it is quite interesting in  the ways
 of placeing the elements.

Saturday 10 October 2009

We are told to make as many as possible collage in 15 mins. Sounds a bit crazy, but we know how fast we can generate ideas using collage. This student had an idea of using similar pictures to produce different art. Brilliant!

Personally, I felt it so called a Surrealism Collage.
Student tried using two different things to make it as 
a strange animal. It is a clever work.

Collage works

 It was done by our classmate, it is very interesting and humorous.
 I am not sure the meaning behind it, but may be it is what Collage means.       
                                                     NOT SUCCINCT!